Introduction Post (Originally posted, July 21st, 2015

Welcome to the newest addition to the family, Cam’s Dev Talk. This is where I get in contact with developers to talk about their games. I began doing interviews last year with the team behind the popular Kickstarter-funded game, Jotun, and I found the idea of interviewing developers quite fun! Recently, I decided to make another blog to dedicate to these types of articles. I will make sure to put down a link to the individual interviews I have done in the past. If you would like to check out the rest of my site, go to I write video game reviews, editorials, lists, and I talk about Kickstarter projects. Thank you for coming by to this page and I hope you enjoy it!

List of Interviews from the past
  1. Jotun
  2. Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire
  3. FreezeME
  4. Action Henk!
  5. Deadwood: The Forgotten Curse
  6. Unraveled: Tale of the Shipbreaker’s Daughter
  7. Yooka-Laylee


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