
Showing posts from January, 2018

Interview with The Game Bakers, The Creators Behind Furi (Originally written: March 4th, 2016)

Every year, indie developers come out of the woodwork to make these passion-filled projects that aim to give you something different and inviting, compared to the usual slog of shooters and other big triple-A franchises. Unfortunately, with how many indie developers there are, it can be tough to stand out. Personally, the indie scene has just as many problems as the big-budget scene where it seems like they follow the pack and make games based on what the most popular indie game around is. Luckily for me, I remembered a game that stood out to me because of the artstyle and the gameplay. This game was called Furi . Furi is an action game made by a developer called The Game Bakers. I got in contact with them and decided to talk to them about their upcoming project. Cam’s Eye View: What would you say inspired you to make Furi?   The Game Bakers: There are various inspirations in gaming for sure. Games like Super Punch Out, No More Heroes, Metal Gear Solid . With super cool boss figh

Interview with the Allison Road Developer. (Originally Written: Oct 15th, 2015)

P.T. was one of the biggest phenomenon’s of gaming horror ever since Amnesia: The Dark Descent was released back in 2010. It was creepy, beautifully put together, and was actually terrifying. Sadly, it was attached to Konami, so, of course, they had to get rid of one of the best things they have done in years. Unless you kept it on your PlayStation 4, there is no possible way to actually play the game. I mean, unless someone makes it illegally playable. However, a new horror game appeared on Kickstarter called Allison Road and had gotten a lot of positive press. I decided to get in contact with the developer and talk about the game and horror gaming in general. By the way, they recently canceled their Kickstarter, but are now signed up with a publisher and have the resources to make the full game. Cam’s Eye View: First off, what made you want to make a horror game? Was it because of a certain game, like Amnesia , or was it something else entirely? AR: It wasn’t any specific game

Interview with Ackk Studios, the team behind YIIK: A Post-Modern RPG (Originally written, September 4th, 2015

Japanese-style RPGs and indie developers go together like peanut butter and jelly. It is quite common to see a handful of indie developers making RPGs inspired by the Super Nintendo and PlayStation greats. One of the more anticipated JRPG-inspired RPGs coming out is Ackk Studio’s Y2K: A Post-Modern RPG . I decided to get in contact with the developer to talk about their game and RPGs in general. Cam’s Eye View: For the few that might not know about Y2K, could you give a quick description of what the game is? Ackk: Y2K (YIIK) is a 3D indie Japanese style RPG in the vein of Earthbound , Persona, and Majora’s Mask. Cam’s Eye View: What made you all want to tackle a RPG, and not only that, but a more Japanese-inspired RPG and in 3D? Was it at all daunting of a task? Either way, I like the look of the game! Ackk: Probably some mild form of psychosis that has yet to be diagnosed! Cam’s Eye View: Was  Y2K  originally going to be a sprite-based RPG? What was the decision to make i

Interview with Pixel Ripped, the team behind the game, Pixel Ripped (Originally written, July 31st, 2015.

With the upcoming releases of the Oculus Rift, Microsoft’s Hololens, and Sony’s Project Morpheus, the VR phase of gaming is about to happen, and even though I personally haven’t found a lot of the VR demos to be that impressive, it’s only because people aren’t doing a whole lot with the VR stuff that we haven’t seen before. You can count with multiple hands how many first-person horror games are out there and have VR support. Unless I haven’t seen these kinds of projects, I can count on one hand how many take the first-person games with VR support, and actually do something different. This is why I was glad to find out about this Kickstarter for a VR game called Pixel Ripped . The developers got in touch with me, and I thought that I would support this Kickstarter with an interview. The game’s funding goal is over $60K and it is currently at over $15K. If you like VR games and already have an Oculus Rift, or are planning to get one or the other VR headsets, you should back this game.

Introduction Post (Originally posted, July 21st, 2015

Welcome to the newest addition to the family, Cam’s Dev Talk. This is where I get in contact with developers to talk about their games. I began doing interviews last year with the team behind the popular Kickstarter-funded game, Jotun , and I found the idea of interviewing developers quite fun! Recently, I decided to make another blog to dedicate to these types of articles. I will make sure to put down a link to the individual interviews I have done in the past. If you would like to check out the rest of my site, go to I write video game reviews, editorials, lists, and I talk about Kickstarter projects. Thank you for coming by to this page and I hope you enjoy it! List of Interviews from the past Jotun Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire FreezeME Action Henk! Deadwood: The Forgotten Curse Unraveled: Tale of the Shipbreaker’s Daughter Yooka-Laylee